Local Governing Body

Meet the Local Governing Body

The Blue Kite Academy Trust is overseen by a Board of Trustees who are responsible for the management and administration of Blue Kite and schools run by Blue Kite Academy Trust. Blue Kite Academy Trust is accountable to external government agencies including the Department for Education, the Education Funding Agency and the Charity Commission, for the quality of the education provided by the schools and its management of public funds and it is required to have systems in place through which it can assure itself of quality, safety and good practice.

In order to assist in the discharge of these responsibilities the Board of Trustees of Blue Kite Academy Trust appoints Local Governing Boards for all schools. The Local Governing Body for St Peter's C of E Academy has been established to ensure the good governance of the school and to ensure that the business of the Academy is conducted in accordance with their purpose and ethos. The people appointed to the Local Governing Body have connections to the school and/or communities and churches they serve.

The Local Governing Body of St Peter's C of E Academy meet six times a year. It monitors progress, ratifies policies, plans future work and discusses issues relevant to the schools. 

The Blue Kite Academy Trust Scheme of Delegation can be found here.

Vacancies on the Local Governing Body for Foundation Members

There are vacancies on the Local Governing Body for Foundation Members. If you are interested and would like more details please email lynne.baylis@dbat.org.uk

Local Governing Body Members

Chair of Local Governing Body    

Mr Paul Bull                     

Co-opted governor, Chair of Local Governing Body

Mrs Carolyn Stell                             

Foundation  governor

Mr Gordon Nunn                     


Mr Mark Everett                       

Headteacher (long term off sick)

Mrs Sue Flavin                          

Foundation governor

Ms Rosalyn Perkins                 

Staff governor

Mrs Jessica Merryweather    

Co-opted governor

Rev Simon Dunn


Ms Lynne Baylis                      

Governance Professional

Local Governing Body Information

Minutes of a Local Governing Bodymeetings are available from the school office on request. These include attendance at meetings.

Contact details

To contact the Local Governing Body please email the Governance Professional  -  lynne.baylis@dbat.org.uk

Documents of Interest

Contact Us

Sabrina de Winter (Senior Administrator) will be happy to answer any questions, and if you require a paper copy of anything on this website

Tamsyn Wallis (SENCO)

Paul Bull (Chair of Local Governing Body)

Office hours Monday - Friday 8 am - 3.30 pm 


  • Lord's Mead, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN14 0LL