
Welcome to our school

A very warm welcome to St. Peter’s Academy!

We are a friendly primary school offering a caring and supportive environment to all children from Chippenham and the surrounding villages. It is a place where all pupils are valued and are encouraged to do their best, fulfill their potential and share their talents with others within a happy, relaxed atmosphere. We were delighted to receive an 'Good' inspection grade in our last SIAMS Church School inspection. Click here for the full report.   

Our school values are caring, sharing, respect and forgiveness. We also value questioning in order to deepen our understanding of ourselves, other people and the world around us. Learn more about our values and ethos here . Parents and Governors see our school as distinctive as these values permeate all that we do. Our church roots give our community a shared basis for our life together.   

If you wish to visit St Peter's we would be delighted to show you around our school.  We welcome children of all faiths or none. Please do contact us for further information or for a tour of the school on 01249 653537.

Gordon Nunn - Headteacher

Mark Everett - Headteacher (long-term absence)

Tamsyn Wallis - Acting Assistant Headteacher

Church School Information

St Peter’s Academy is a Church of England primary school, linked to St Peter’s Church. The school is physically joined to the church and we enjoy a close partnership through its vicar, Revd Siman Dunn.

St. Peter’s is part of the Blue Kite Trust (BKAT), a family of 25 academies in Swindon and North Wiltshire, welcoming children from all faiths and none.

More about us

At St Peter’s Academy, the Local Board Members and Senior Leadership Team want the whole school community to join us in raising the standards of education for our children. We are raising the achievement and accelerating the progress of our pupils. The behaviour of our children is very good in the classroom and around the school and we work hard together to value good manners and respect for others.

The academy staff, the pupils and their parents and carers are all working hard to become an outstanding school and to set off in the direction of outstanding. This is not an easy journey but an exciting and rewarding one. We must all ensure we keep the creative and broad curriculum that gives our children such enjoyable educational experiences and good knowledge of the world and the arts.

The academy encompasses everything within its Christian ethos of caring for each other, sharing within our community and globally, respecting all and forgiveness leading to hope for all. This self-evaluation tells where we are and how we are getting to where we want to be.

We value the arts and have many art projects around the academy and music opportunities. We have a garden for growing vegetables and a wild area and have the Bronze Eco Schools award.

We offer many clubs including football, netball, running, recorders guitars and chess. Different clubs run during the year, organised by teachers, parents and outside specialists.

We have an enthusiastic parents committee, called FOSPA (Friends of St Peter’s Academy), which holds events to raise money for school. 

Contact Us

Sabrina de Winter (Senior Administrator) will be happy to answer any questions, and if you require a paper copy of anything on this website

Tamsyn Wallis (SENCO)

Paul Bull (Chair of Local Governing Body)

Office hours Monday - Friday 8 am - 3.30 pm 


  • Lord's Mead, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN14 0LL