School Closure Information

School closure information

Conditions may arise which will affect the normal running of schools.

These conditions may arise because of adverse weather, the breakdown of services or facilities or another major event. In these circumstances, it is the headteacher who is responsible for determining what action is appropriate. If the headteacher decides to close the school, we will;

  • Broadcast the information on BBC Wiltshire Radio (103.5, 104.3 and 104.9FM) 
  • We will put a message on our school website
  • We will send an email to parents via ParentPay
  • Where possible, we will endeavour to keep the school open with a skeleton staff
  • If we ever needed to close the school during the day, children would not be sent home without an adult to collect them from school. Arrangements will be made to accommodate children until they are collected.

We would like you to:

  • If there are adverse weather conditions, please check the school is open before you send your child to school.
  • Please check the school website
  • Listen to BBC Wiltshire Radio or Heart Wiltshire FM.
  • If you see unaccompanied children walking to school, DO NOT TELL THEM TO GO HOME even if you know the school is closed. They should report to school where their parents will be contacted.
  • Ensure that all your contact details are up to date.

Contact Us

Sabrina de Winter (Senior Administrator) will be happy to answer any questions, and if you require a paper copy of anything on this website

Tamsyn Wallis (SENCO)

Paul Bull (Chair of Local Governing Body)

Office hours Monday - Friday 8 am - 3.30 pm 


  • Lord's Mead, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN14 0LL