Our school meals are provided by Sodexo Catering.
Our dinner menu is £2.60 per day
Please click on this link to read a bit more about Sodexo Catering https://uk.sodexo.com/insights/market-trends/2024/schools/healthy-eating-schools
Our dinner menu is £2.60 per day
Please click on this link to read a bit more about Sodexo Catering https://uk.sodexo.com/insights/market-trends/2024/schools/healthy-eating-schools
If YES, then please read on and fill in and return the downloadable form below.
Food allergies, intolerances and other dietary-related medical conditions are a growing concern for schools. Children who are affected can suffer a severe or even fatal reaction if they eat or come into contact with food they’re allergic to.
So please:
1. Fill in the form below as accurately as you can, describing any:
2. Return the form to admin.stpeters@dbat.org.uk
Once we get this information, we’ll share it with our catering partner Sodexo Ltd, so they can make sure your child gets alternative meals that are safe for them.
If your child’s condition changes after you send us the form, you need to tell the school as soon as possible.
You can apply for school meals via the government website link here
Headteacher - Mr Gordon Nunn
Acting Assitant Headteacher & SENCO - Mrs Tamsyn Wallis
Senior Admin Officer –Mrs Sabrina de Winter
Chair of Local Governing Body– Mr Paul Bull
Governance Professional - Ms Lynne Baylis
© The Blue Kite Academy Trust
c/o Ferndale Primary and Nursery School
Wiltshire Avenue,Swindon
Wiltshire, SN2 1NX
Registered in England and Wales
Company Number 09889819
Copyright St. Peters C of E Academy © 2025
Website by Warp Design & Thinking Creative