School Meals

Our school meals are provided by Sodexo Catering.

Our dinner menu is £2.60 per day

Please click on this link to read a bit more about Sodexo Catering

Special Dietary Requirements

Does your child have any special dietary needs?

If YES, then please read on and fill in and return the downloadable form below. 

Food allergies, intolerances and other dietary-related medical conditions are a growing concern for schools.  Children who are affected can suffer a severe or even fatal reaction if they eat or come into contact with food they’re allergic to.

So please:

1. Fill in the form below as accurately as you can, describing any:

  • Food allergies (for example to cow’s milk)
  • Food intolerances (for example to gluten)
  • Other dietary-related medical conditions (for example coeliac disease)
  • Please don’t use the form to describe your child’s food likes and dislikes. 

2. Return the form to 

Once we get this information, we’ll share it with our catering partner Sodexo Ltd, so they can make sure your child gets alternative meals that are safe for them. 

 If your child’s condition changes after you send us the form, you need to tell the school as soon as possible.


Free School Meals

You can apply for school meals via the government website link here

Contact Us

Sabrina de Winter (Senior Administrator) will be happy to answer any questions, and if you require a paper copy of anything on this website

Tamsyn Wallis (SENCO)

Paul Bull (Chair of Local Governing Body)

Office hours Monday - Friday 8 am - 3.30 pm 


  • Lord's Mead, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN14 0LL